fbpx Micro-credential certification in Retirement and Estate Planning FIN6133 (MFP) ** | SEGiUniDigital

This programme aims to introduce students to the responsibilities of a corporate financial manager. Coverage includes the evaluation of investment and financing alternatives, working capital management, and determining capital structure and dividend policy.

Emphasis is placed on the analytical aspects of the decision-making process to enable students to form their own judgment in the dynamic business world.

** indicates that these programmes will be offered soon

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the SEGiUniDigital Platform. 

Business & Accounting
Entry Requirements: 

Entry Requirements - No 
Age - 23 Years Above 
Experience - No
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Numeracy Proficiency - No 
Prerequisites - No
Others - No

  1. Retirement Planning in Financial Planning                                                                           
    1. Formulate the returns on available assets for investment in retirement       
    2. Discuss the effect on retirees due to mismatch between retirement plan and retirement needs                   
    3. Critically assess the impact of various options for drawing retirement benefits for individuals with defined contribution schemes;                                                                                                                                     
    4. Critique the suitability of registered pension schemes and other types of investment that can be used to provide retirement benefits;                                                                                                                     
    5. Recommend solutions based on consumers’ circumstances and products suitable to meeting retirement needs, taking account of any existing arrangements;
  2. Retirement Investments, Income Streams and EPF Approaches for determining lump sum need for retirement:
    1. Capital Liquidation without inflation factor
    2. Capital Liquidation with inflation factor
    3. Capital Conservation without inflation factor
    4. Capital Conservation with inflation factor
  3. Retirement Schemes                                                                                                                             
    1. Identify the Features and Characteristics of Approved and NonApproved Retirement Scheme
  4. Understand about the EPF Scheme and its Features which includes the Conditions for Contributions and Withdrawals
  5. Understand about the Pension Schemes for Government Servants and the Present Value of these Pension Plans
  6. Understand about the Retirement Plan for Government Servants as well as the Annuities for these Plans
  7. Estate Planning in Financial Planning       
    1. Describe the estate planning fundamentals and process
    2. Design estate planning according to legal requirement and procedural aspects in Will planning
    3. Describe the various types and uses of trust instruments and power of attorney
    4. Discuss the general knowledge of the rights of beneficiaries in different circumstances
    5. Analyse the estate planning problems and recommending best suited solution
  8. Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Wills and Will planning                                                                     
    1. Testacy vs Intestacy                                                                                                                 
    2. Illustrate a Trust incorporated for the purposes of Estate Planning with a diagram.
    3. Explain the Rules of Validity for Trust with regards to any trust incorporated in Malaysia.
    4. Elaborate how Statutory Trust affects the distribution of an estate even with the existence of a will, with regards to Employee Provident Fund and insurance payouts.
  9. Estate administration, investment of trust assets and Rights of beneficiaries                                 
    1. Definition found in the P&A Act                                                                                         
    2. Executor, original or by representation or administrator for the time being of a deceased person, and as regards any liability for payment of death duties includes any person who takes possession or intermeddles with the property of a deceased person without the authority of the personal representatives or the Court Representatives shall not be granted to more than 4 persons in regard to the same property
  10. Business succession planning                                                                                                         
    1. Why is it important for a sole proprietor and partners in a partnership to have proper estate planning?
    2. What happens to their business if no proper planning is done
  11. Role of Financial Planner in Pre-retirement & Estate Planning counseling                               
    1. What do you think the client would value most in a Planner?
    2. would continue to transact business with him/her and are willing to pay fees for their services?
  12. Concluding session                                                                                                                           
    1. Why is it important for a Planner to have Integrity?
    2. How do you portray yourself to be a Planner with Integrity? 

Written assignment - 40%
Project paper - 60%